Nature Play at City Park
The Art of Concrete created a custom alpine lake out of decorative concrete using the new Mira product line.
Playing in Colorado’s Great Outdoors
The Art of Concrete was hired by ECI Site Construction to install the site concrete for the new Nature Play Park in City Park, right outside the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. The park, designed by Dig Studio, encourages natural play and highlights Colorado’s scenic beauty. The Art of Concrete installed a variety of concrete applications for the park: sidewalks, ramps, water feature basins, channels, stairs, sandblasted footprints and a specialty paving at the alpine play area.
The Art of Concrete goes above and beyond when it comes to custom concrete construction. This project required a lot of interaction and ability to change and adapt to new ideas and concepts. It took an open-minded approach and open communication with the entire team to help find solutions to create the best park in Denver. Situated just outside of the Museum in Denver’s beautiful City Park, this play area highlights all the natural beauty Colorado has to offer. Children will be able to enjoy this natural beauty in the safety of the park while exploring and discovering nature. The Art of Concrete was excited to be part of creating this natural playground for children to discover animals, splash in water and climb on logs and rocks all while in the center of metropolitan Denver.